Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Stardust, Always Interview With Ronnie Virdi

His story A Bag Full Of Stars can be found in the Stardust, Always anthology.

What genre do you read?
Urban fantasy.  I have been into mythology and that with a practical setting makes it the mundane seem spectacular. 
What genres do you write?
I write urban fantasy. 
Where else can readers find your work?
It can be found at  I have two novels: Grave Beginnings and Grave Measures.  You can also find free short stories and links to the YouTube channel.  There are links to Amazon.
What drove you to write for this anthology?
I had already contributed to The Longest Night Watch, which was an anthology in honor of Sir Terry Pratchett who suffered from Alzheimer’s.  All the proceeds of that book went to Alzheimer’s research. 
Stardust, Always is for cancer research.  All the proceeds go to St. Jude’s Cancer research in honor of David Bowie and Alan Rickman.  I find that short stories are a challenge and it was for a good cause.  The prompts were anything inspired by Bowie, Rickman, or cancer related.
The story is a fairytale about a girl on a quest to save her Gramma.
How long have you participated in Nanowrimo and the community?
Two years plus.
Your story, is it part of a larger series or freestanding?
It is freestanding.  The stories I write for the Longest Night Watch are part of a series for Questworld.
If you could ever meet a fictional character, who would it be?
Ortiz.  She is part of the Graves series.
Writing buddy?
Yes. I have a black German Shepherd named Oreo.
Coffee, tea, or other?
Mango or grape juice.  I can’t tell you why.  Or tea.  Green or Earl Gray.
Plotter or Pantser?
Pantser.  I am really a daydreamer.  I get the overall plot from A to B.  Sometimes I am surprised by what happens in my story.  I find that if I am surprised by what happens, the same effect will be for the readers. 
What question do you wish people would ask about you or your writing?
Why do I do it all?
One fun fact?
I always try to leave clues in my books about something from an upcoming work

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